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Official rules and terms & conditions

  1. Participants are expected to behave themselves in a professional and courteous manner when running. Participants are required to observe any applicable laws and regulations when participating in the run.

  2. Participants must ensure they are medically and physically fit to participate in the run. Registration to the run represents the participant's agreement to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Statement of the event.

  3. Registration fee is non-refundable and may not be deferred towards a future event.

  4. Participants are encouraged to take basic medical check-up before the event.

  5. The Event Organiser will not be liable and assumes no responsibility for any loss, damage, injury and/or casualty for any reasons or matters whatsoever or howsoever arising from the run

  6. Entry is on a first-come, first-served basis. The Event Organiser reserves the right to close entry before the deadline without notice once the race quota is full.

  7. Participants are advised to take up their own personal or other insurance policies, if so desired.

  8. The Event Organiser reserves the right to use any photographs and recordings collected during the event, for any purposes, including commercial advertising.

  9. By submitting his or her entry, each participant agrees to observe and accept all Terms and Conditions of the run in force from time to time introduced by the Event Organiser.

  10. Participants are also required to observe all applicable laws, regulations and rules.

  11. The Event Organiser reserves the right to disqualify an entry if it does not comply with the terms and conditions of the event.

Personal Information Collection Statement

The information you provide when you register to participate, or as a result of your participation in the CPA Australia Charity Run 2023 will be used for the purpose of administering and conducting the event and producing certificates and medals to participants. Your contact details will also be used to inform you of similar events conducted by or on behalf of CPA Australia.

Your name, distance run and run time will be published on our event website. Any photos you provide in connection with the event may be used by us in promoting this and future charity run events and may appear on our website and event pages.

You are not required to provide the information requested. However, if you do not provide the personal information, we may not be able to register you to participate in the event.

We have engaged a third party to prepare certificates and medals commemorating your participation in this event. The only information we will disclose to the third party is your name (or preferred name where provided), distance run and run time. The third party will be required to handle this personal information in accordance with the Hong Kong Personal Date (Privacy) Ordinance. We may also disclose your information as permitted or required by law or with your consent.

You have the right to request access to and correction of your personal data held by us. Request/s for access or correction of personal data should be made in writing to the Privacy Officer, CPA Australia by email at

For further information relating to the handling of your personal information please refer to the CPA Australia Privacy Policy ( and the member collection notice (

Acknowledgement and Consent

If you have questions or concerns about individual health matters that relate to your participation to the CPA Australia Charity Run 2023, please consult your doctor before participating in the run. If you experience faintness, dizziness, pain or shortness of breath at any time while running, you should stop immediately and seek medical attention from your health care professional. CPA Australia Ltd will accept no liability or responsibility for any loss or damage or harm arising from your participation in the CPA Australia Charity Run.  

Registration is non-refundable. 

Wavier and Release

Having read the above Acknowledgement and Consent and knowing these facts and in consideration of the Event Organiser accepting my entry, I, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, to the fullest extent permitted by law, 1) waive and release CPA Australia, all event sponsors, their representatives, and any organization or person providing support or services for this event (or any member, committee member, director, employee, agent or contractor of any of the foregoing or any person otherwise associated with any of the foregoing) from all claims or liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation in this event, including but not limited to death, any injury, for any damage to or loss or destruction of property or any other economic loss, and for any consequential loss, in any case arising from or connected with any accident or mishap or otherwise arising from or connected with this event, and whether during or after the event, in preparation for it, travelling to or from it or otherwise; and 2) waive my ability to bring any legal action against the entities outlined herein as I am voluntarily electing to run on my own as part of this event. I also agree to indemnify and reimburse CPA Australia in respect of any additional expenses or costs incurred by CPA Australia arising from or in connection with my participation in the event.

Copyright © 2023 CPA Australia.

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